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8 forces driving interest in digital assets | Wealth 99

Written by Ben McGann | Jan 24, 2023 6:12:12 AM

Adieu to the era where traditional avenues like stocks and bonds reigned supreme in the realm of wealth building. A seismic shift is afoot, propelling alternative assets to the forefront of investment conversations. Picture this: a landscape adorned with digital currencies, tokenized assets, and even tangible treasures like artwork and gold, all beckoning with promises of lucrative returns and portfolio diversification.

These aren't just investments; they're gateways to a new frontier of financial opportunity, drawing investors from every corner of the globe. The allure is undeniable, with alternative assets boasting higher returns, tax benefits, and liquidity beyond what traditional options can offer. It's no wonder their popularity is skyrocketing.

According to insights from the International Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA), alternative assets have been on a meteoric rise. From doubling their market share between 2003 and 2018 to projected exponential growth, the numbers speak volumes about the burgeoning interest in this dynamic market.

But what's fueling this revolution in wealth creation? Ian Lowe, CEO of Wealth99, sheds light on the driving forces behind this explosive growth:

1. The Allure of Diversification

The principle of diversification, encapsulated by the age-old saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket", has long been a cornerstone of sound investment strategy. Traditionally, investors diversified their portfolios through an assortment of stocks, bonds, and real estate. However, while these assets may appear diverse on the surface, they are invariably tied to the same global economic system.

In stark contrast, alternative assets offer the unique advantage of being non-correlated. Their performance doesn't strictly hinge on the fluctuations of the global or local economy. This key attribute allows alternative assets to serve as a genuine means of portfolio diversification, enhancing risk-adjusted returns and serving as a potential buffer during economic downturns.

2. Hedging Potential

In investment parlance, a 'hedge' is an investment made to offset potential losses from other assets in your portfolio. This risk management strategy, a key aspect of traditional investing, is fast gaining ground in the realm of alternative assets. For instance, a prudent investor might allocate a fraction of their portfolio to alternative assets to hedge against stock market volatility. Another might invest in tokenized gold, a renowned shield against economic volatility.

3. The Disintegration of the 60/40 Portfolio Model

The world has experienced a series of destabilizing events in recent years, from pandemics to geopolitical unrest, creating an environment of unprecedented economic uncertainty. With soaring inflation rates and intermittent interest rate hikes chipping away at the performance of equities and bonds, the traditional 60% stocks, 40% bonds portfolio model is showing signs of strain. Consequently, investors are exploring alternative avenues to safeguard their wealth and build on it. Enter alternative assets, an enticing solution in an unpredictable world.

4. Democratizing Investment Access

Tokenization, or the process of converting real-world assets into digital tokens, is revolutionizing the alternative asset sector. This transformative technology not only enables seamless online transactions but also opens up the possibility of fractionalized ownership of high-value assets. The impact of this cannot be overstated. Suddenly, you no longer need millions to own a piece of a rare artwork or tens of thousands to buy a bar of gold. Fractional ownership lets you own a part of these valuable assets at a fraction of the total cost, effectively lowering the entry barrier to a level that democratizes wealth creation.

5. The Erosion of the 'Accredited Investor' Barrier

For a long time, the 'accredited investor' stipulation has posed a major roadblock to the average person's access to high-value, high-return investment opportunities. This provision typically reserves the most lucrative investments for those with a net worth exceeding a certain threshold, thereby exacerbating wealth disparity. Fortunately, the emergence of alternative assets is poised to dismantle this archaic barrier.

With the advent of tokenization and fractional ownership, the term 'accredited investor' may soon become a relic of the past. Now, anyone with a modicum of investable income can gain access to assets that were previously only within reach of the super-rich. This development is not just leveling the investment playing field; it's reshaping it entirely.

6. Technological Efficiency

In the world of traditional investing, administrative tasks, paperwork, and intermediary fees often pose significant barriers for the everyday investor. This is yet another area where alternative assets stand out. Transactions and ownership records for alternative assets, such as cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets, are stored on a public, digital, immutable ledger known as a blockchain. This technology simplifies compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations by providing indisputable digital proof of identity.

Moreover, the digitization of assets enables investors to review and assess investment opportunities faster than ever before. Thanks to the efficiency of the underlying technology, investors can make more informed decisions in real-time, thereby streamlining the entire investment process.

7. Personalized Investment Journeys

As technology continues to advance and tools for self-education proliferate, individuals are gaining the means to tailor their investment journeys to their personal goals, risk tolerance, and aspirations. Unlike the one-size-fits-all approach that often characterizes traditional investing, alternative assets offer a degree of flexibility and personalization that resonates with the modern investor. From cryptocurrencies to tokenized artworks or real estate, investors can now handpick the assets that align with their investment philosophy, potentially enhancing satisfaction and engagement with their investment journey.

8. Growing Awareness of Alternative Assets

Awareness and knowledge play a pivotal role in the expansion of any market, and the alternative asset market is no exception. The crypto-boom of 2020 was a watershed moment, introducing millions to the concept of digital assets and the potential of blockchain technology in financial markets. As awareness and understanding of the full scope of alternative assets continue to grow, so does their adoption. Today, the dialogue surrounding alternative assets is louder and more mainstream than ever before, with media outlets, influencers, and even traditional financial institutions adding their voices to the conversation.

The Future of Alternative Assets

The ongoing volatility in traditional financial markets lends an irresistible appeal to alternative assets. Offering the prospect of significant returns and a hedge against instability, alternative assets are finding favor among an increasing number of individual investors. The integration of revolutionary concepts like tokenization and fractional ownership amplifies the potential of this progressive asset class even further.

For the everyday investor, alternative assets offer a compelling avenue for wealth creation. But they represent more than just another investment trend; they embody a transformative shift in the investment landscape that's poised to reshape wealth creation for generations to come.

As we look towards the future, one thing is clear: the democratization of asset access, the dissolution of outdated barriers, and the embrace of efficient technology will play crucial roles in the evolution of the investment world. As more people flock to platforms like Wealth99, the future looks bright for those willing to explore the dynamic and ever-expanding universe of alternative assets.

If you've not yet dipped your toes into this burgeoning asset class, there's no better time than the present. Consider the potential benefits of alternative assets and seize the opportunity to be part of this transformative shift. It's not just about joining a trend; it's about participating in a revolution that could fundamentally reshape the mechanisms of wealth creation for centuries to come.